Beginning a New Game Double-click on the Onslaught application. When the splash screen comes up click on the “New” button for a one or two player, single computer game, “Network Host” to set up a networked game, or “Network Guest” to play someone else. If you selected “New” or “Network Host”, the setup dialog will appear so you can determine the size and composition of the options you want to play. When you have selected the game you want, click on “Accept” to generate a new game or “Reject” to return to the splash screen. Scenarios There are many different scenarios you can choose from. This setting, more than any other, will determine the size and length of your game. A small description of the scenario you select will be displayed to the right. Number of Players Choose a one or two player game or let the computer fight against itself. Number of Neutrals Some scenarios are big enough to allow additional countries, called Neutrals, to be placed in between the two major players. The scenario description will tell you how many Neutrals, if any, you can select. Resources The ability to build and maintain units depends on the availability of resources in your world. With more resources, you can build more units, and vice versa. Richer games tend to turn into massive slugfests while poorer games can end quickly if one side makes a major blunder. This setting is meant primarily for the more experienced player. Starting Season To add a twist, you can choose what season the game starts in. Summer is generally the best, as Spring is often very muddy, Winter more tiring for troops, and Fall generally unpredictable. Terrain A game’s terrain sets its tone and pace. The more dense the terrain, the slower and bloodier the game is likely to be. Player Options Here you can customize each player’s name and the degree of wealth for each of their countries. The Mobilization rate will determine the number of turns a country’s starting cash is spread out over. This setting can change dramatically the start of the game, especially if one country gets all of its money up front and the other receives funds over several turns. Miscellaneous Options You can also choose from six optional game elements. Each element will add some degree of difficulty and/or flexibility to the game. Choose to have or exclude fog of war, air units, Neutral armies, weather, air and naval transports, and nukes. For more info on what these features do, see the related sections in this manual.